The average age most children begin their chess journey is five or six years old. Effectively speaking, it depends on the child and parental support, but with our unique training systems, we guarantee we can coach almost anyone to play chess properly. For our group lessons we recommend at least age of 8 years old.

Absolutely! We have a very high success rate in coaching children who appear to be prone to more physical activity. In many cases, this is not true - they are simply being kids! Once children settle down and are challenged to think, many respond positively and find chess helps them to concentrate and hone new thinking skills.
Absolutely! We actually possess proof that children who regularly participate in our chess coaching classes attain consistently higher test and exam results from children who are not learning and playing chess on a weekly basis.
It certainly can! There have been many tests which indicate chess activates the frontal areas of the brain, responsible for all thought processes. Most people who play some form of strategic sport develop better memories. This is especially true with chess, as you have to train your mind to recognise patterns and think ahead.
No, nothing could be further from the truth. If anything, children are more ready for physical activity after they have been playing chess. Noticeably, children who then participate in physical activity use their brains to better effect, due to the strategic and tactical awareness gained by playing chess. In turn, this helps them to prioritise better routines between physical and mental activity.